Thursday, July 14, 2005


Lust is a great feeling yet when love comes to mind you are stuck in that feeling. When you’re thinking its love, in actuality it is lust. I always look for advice about love it is
listening to the advice and really hearing it. Yesterday, N the SUN, I visited the bookstore to buy a book. It is a great place for some peace and quiet. Yeah Right. While I was looking through the spiritual books I was rudely interrupted by this lady on the phone. She keeps saying “JULIE NOW LISTEN TO ME! LISTEN JUST GO BACK TO THE HOTEL….JULIE” I was not listening to this woman and hoped she goes away. I am not in the mood and besides it was bringing up memories I wasn’t really ready to deal with. So, this woman on the other aisle keeps YELLING on her cell phone in the middle of a book store, what the nerve she has. “JULIE NOW LISTEN TO ME JULIE I WANT YOU TO GO THERE AND PACK YOUR THINGS AND NOT EVEN TELL HIM YOU ARE LEAVING HIM.” “JULIE, JULIE JULIE” She keeps repeating her name throughout the bookstore like to draw attention to her. What an inconsiderate woman with the biggest mouth, I seriously wanted to give her an uppercut to shut her up. It is one thing talking loud on your phone in a bookstore and another to have a crisis in the bookstore. I swear it sounded like she was having a nervous breakdown and I felt I was apart of it too. My first reaction was to move away from this ranting lunatic and find a section to browse around at. I did that and to my surprise I was being followed by this woman w/ her cell phone. I was tempted to get angry and just yell at her yet I resisted the urge. Oh, how she was stressing me out and I was only there to be unstressed. Waiting a while around the comics I came across animation comics and they were explicit. ENOUGH, I was tired of being there looking at books I could not buy and languages I could not speak, so I left. So I am wondering about how this woman’s life will turn out. She is going through a rough time trying to choose between her lover and her respect. I am only guessing that is what she is going through. It is actually rather difficult decisions to make a choice and live with that choice. What does this have to do with me? It had a lot to do with how I handled my choices I have made in my past. It is what you do with what you learned, from those choices you had to make. Learning from them and growing from your suffering. I would rather not dwell in my past but need to look toward a better future. I thank god everyday. AMEN.


Charlie Mc said...

In this world of technology, we are exposed to so many things that we really don't need to be exposed to. I am not at all for living in a bubble or isolating myself, but there is a time and a place for everything. This woman should have taken the call outside! Hats off to you for showing restraint and not kicking her ass! :)

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Almost goof there!!

Anyway, you always do the right things, I could learn from you. But then again maybe I did something right after all, being both your Mom and Dad huh?

In the long run you have taught me many things. You are the most giving, loving, and the sweetest person I know on this earth. God and your Mother knows it....believe me.