Sunday, July 17, 2005


Morning, I am waking up to a quite pleasant feeling of melancholy tunes in my head. My body feels refreshed and I am well hydrated. I did not drink a drop of alcohol last night. I was sober besides the contact buzz I received walking into the sea of crowdedness. Hippies! Kind bravery, I accept the gifts, those foreigners sent from another planet. I had plenty of friends back in the day who were “the real thing”. You can’t be mean to a hippie because they love everyone. Hugs, received with much love. What a concert the Dave Mathews Band put on. The music must have been real great when I used to listen to them. Remember when the song Satellite came out on the radio. They didn’t play that song last night, darn! I wish I would have seen them play years ago. The kids I went to see the concert with, had been saying he was sounding more like Sting in his later years. Maybe he listens to Sting? My mind was wondering off. Maybe I would see that other special guy at this concert, the one other guy I had not mentioned. Before I started dating Chipper I was half way seeing another guy. Oops! He was kinda lame thought too. He was my type but maybe too shy. Personality differences were a major hurdle. Much to my surprise I ended it with a phone message. Funny how quickly things end with an emotional meltdown. I guess I was having a bad day and he my quest for some comforting. Not only hadn’t he returned my calls for a week but I can’t even get the OK from the guard to see him. He is always NOT AVAILABLE and I say that is pissing me off. How can one man be to busy to return a call, maybe he is Lazy. Any thing but the ignoring stuff. I can’t communicate with him and I know he digs me too. There’s always this thing called timing on these relationships and our time isn’t now. Get over it. Well, I will rap it up for now, must go and make together (TODAY) productive.
Sincerely, Sunflower


Charlie Mc said...

I was never a big Dave Matthews fan, but every girl I have ever dated loved the guy, so his music has grown on me over the years....

About guys who don't return calls. it has nothing to do with laziness, it's about manners and courtesy, you don't need a dude like that! :)

Serenity said...

Relationships are a grey subject for me but u help me see the light. Thanks for caring Charlie.

Charlie Mc said...

anything I can do is my pleasure!! :)

JUST A MOM said...

HEY there ya go girl,,, glad you had a nice time.