Sunday, July 10, 2005

Blondie Driving

1Items always to keep in car at all times in case of emergency:
1) Bathing suit
2) Lotion for tanning
3) Two changes of clothes- never know where you are gonna be next.
4) Sunglasses a must!
5) Preferred umbrella to keep the sun out of my eyes
6) Towel- for laying out
7) Camera- always handy to have one
8) Running shoes- if I feel like a run
9) Water- always should hydrate
10) Maybe a healthy snack
11) Deodorants as well as makeup
12) High Heels
13) Fire Extinguisher
14) First Aid kit
15) Mace
16) A few dollars put in a safe place so if you were robbed you would not be broke.


Nicole said...

-Avon books
-Extra make-up (almost 30 you know)
-Cell phone charger
-One lone cigarette

Frank said...

Hell, if I keep anything in my car, it melts! LOL!

Charlie Mc said...

just one staple, my book of about 80 cd's that I've burned the last year or two.... :)

Anonymous said...

too bad they don't have "interesting" pills maybe you could take those before you post next time!

JUST A MOM said...

MOMMY's Phone number!!!!

Serenity said...

Thankz everyone for coming by...
I can already see I left out some things I would take with me. Madman---> LOL U are so Right!
Princess---> Don't forget the avon
Valek--> TRUE esp. in FL
CMAC-> I bet, is Bruce on them?
MUtt--> I need a ipod $$$$$$
MOM --------> IT is on speed dial :)