Have you ever tried Devil Dogs?
Devil Dogs are only up north in states like New York or Long Island. They are a treat of huge magnitude; filled with crème puff they have a chocolate bun.
Once before I moved 2longIsland last year I was informed by my late boyfriend that his mom only serves up stale sandwiches and devil dogs. OK, confused by his statement I was only wishing for the best. Upon meeting this MOM, I was distort by such high bridges and road construction and tormented by confusion of a new place. Reality set in quickly and I was on a road to someplace I really had NO clue to. We make it to Long Island without any type of major problems. Thank god, for that I was getting worried. After unpacking for a few days we had all kinds of things with us including Mr. Ferret. Backing up to those little devil dogs served with stale sandwiches at lunch time. Guess he wasn't lying when he said that.
We were doing a lot of house improvements then, to his parents' house, I was working as hard as I have ever worked then. It was then my obsession with those sinful desserts in a wrapper. How they ever made such a wonderful snack is beyond me. I don’t eat that many snacks now but I enjoyed them Dogs. Do u have any snack u can’t live without?
I love Devil Dogs. Frozen devil dogs rock too! They are a bit dry compared to a ring ding or a yodel, but they are good....
favorite snacks for me are anything sweet, cool ranch doritos, grapes, cantaloupe, and ice cream sandwiches! :)
Carvel ??? Yes! A flying Saucer, perhaps?
flying saucers rocked! My grandparents would bring us those every Sunday!
I have not had breakfast yet,, thanks! Have a great day.
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