Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference
much you are rewarded, or how much power you have. – Oprah Winfrey,
American Actress and Television Talk Show Host
Lately, I have been having a personal health check up on myself. I am really conscious of the things I put in my mouth, even if it is FDA approved. I don’t see why the majority of Americans are obese is it the entire Mac & cheese we consume or the sodas we drink? I am assured that the whole nation needs a makeover and I want to help with giving a little advice. Being a health nut all my life I see my friends and family abuse their bodies, instead of reaching for a fruit they go to a bag of chips instead. Statistics show that our ancestors had better teeth than we do in the present. It is all the sugar consuming or the meat overloads on the body. We as a nation (only US) have a higher rate of cancer than any other nation or nations combined. You would think this would motivate us to look at what we eat. I am right now reading a book that is transforming the way I look at life. It is called “Eating for Beauty” by David Wolfe, my dad recommended it for me, and it is a great book to have. It starts off by saying that all life in our fruit or vegetables is minerals ands nutrients we need to have a healthy beautiful body. He states that studies have shown that after you cook vegetables they lose most of the nutrients. Therefore if you want the vitamins, you need not cook them but eat them raw. David writes about having to detoxify to transform into a body beauty. Eating now isn’t just going into the cabinet and finding something you feel like eating anymore. He lies down a simple, balanced, and easy diet that is back to civilization kind of eating. He goes through all the reasons why eating raw is better and why humans aren’t suppose to eat meat. He has remedies for sicknesses like common colds and gives natural recipes for facials or what have you. I am not trying to change you into a vegan but want you to look at yourself next time you reach for that cheeseburger. Your mind can tell you one thing but your body is saying another. I personally take vitamins and work at eating right EVERYDAY. It’s real hard to quit these foods that we are think are good but it is good for your body.
Still losing the weight I gained when I quit smoking five years ago. Still want a cigarette too, for that matter.
I haven't eaten meat for years, but loads of fish.
Did I mention that I still want a cigarette (gnash!)
I have to quit all over again every time I think about it! So glad none of my kids smoke. (perhaps I could just have ONE. Argh!)
I exercise and run daily, but I have mixed feelings about "healthy" eating. The pesticides and all the other crap they use on fruits and veggies is no better. Our grandparents and great grandparents ate all kinds of fats and bad stuff and they lived long....I think if you are meant to get cancer or what not you will, no matter what you do....
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