If anybody hasn’t read my moms site Assorted Babble then do so. She is not kidding about the stories she is babbling about. Sometimes it is hard for me to understand some of the stuff my family is talking to me about. It is like when I talk with relatives they our talking Italian or some foreign language to me. I lost my accent long time ago in Alabama, thank God. I guess I could thank the entire flock of tourist from all the SNOW BIRD states, for that. When I started saying “HEY you guys” instead of “Hey Y’all” that’s when I started getting harassed by all/only boy cousins. “It’s just not right to be saying that, it is y’all” one would say. See I was the only girl among all my cousins so when I was young they thought they were protecting me from BOYS and any chances of a date were slim. They would know about anyone wanting to date me because lets not forget it is a small town and what comes around goes around. You say something and in minutes half the town knows what you said. That fast no kidding!
It is rough here in Florida if anyone finds out you are from the South. Even though Florida is south of Alabama that is not that way in South Florida. When I first moved here around 5 years ago I would have panic attacks just going to the mall. I was never around so many people before and so much traffic too. I was always a 30 minutes drive away from the major highway so when I was 5 minutes away to I95 I panicked. Sounds silly huh? That was just the way it was to me. My stress level was so high just leaving the house I gained 20lbs. in two months. I remember one time this guy in a bar asked me where I was from and I said “ALABAMA” and he would not shut his mouth; he had to impersonate his best southern accent. He was from New York and after that I didn’t like New Yorkers for a long time or at least I didn’t say it out loud. See when I am suppose to be all manners at least that’s is what my mother taught me and her mother taught her and so on and so on…. When my children grow up (I have none now) I will do the same teaching them “manners”. So what was I just talking about? Oh, yeah my southern accent. Ok, I lost my southern accent before I ever left THE SOUTH I have always never liked Country music and never enjoyed the thrills of being a redneck. My interests were always to travel to New York and be open to other cultures. Since rednecks didn’t like certain kinds of people I liked them just to be different. I am not saying my whole family is like prejudice but the majority is. I am different than they are and I have never changed me to fit them. If that makes cents I don’t know. I am very happy to be living in a beautiful place where I can explore many cultures and see very interesting ways of life. I could never move back to Alabama because I already know Florida is where my heart is. FOR NOW.
O hey thanks for listing me! Tell me more of the music you like (as you referred to earlier). Hope you guys are safe.
I know what you mean. When I was growing up this area was slow suburb of Chicago, not much to do, still quite a bit of trees. Now you only see trees at the few forest preserves, in the old people's lawns. Traffic is like driving in the city, however, there is no garbage/homeless people/graffiti/decrepit buildings to look at, it all still looks pretty nice. This is perfectly my speed. I live in the worst neighborhood in my town, which is still not too bad if you know when to cross the street when the wrong person is walking toward you. My idea of rebellion was defying my hippie, feminist mother by becoming an old-fashioned Southern Baptist republican! And, yes, that did work!
Florida is a beautiful state....
Saw you link on Suzie's site. Thought I would check it out. Love your links. I am listening to Virgin Radio right now thanks to you!
Love all the comments and Especially BP and Anna my mom can't get enough laughs.
More posts to come so don't go anywhere i WILL BE RIGHT BACK!
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