Monday, July 25, 2005


Can’t get enough…___________! I am so tired right now, I can’t sleep and then my dog alarm went off at 5:30am, then 6:00, at 7:00, and 8:00, and 8:15, and 8:30am when I finally couldn’t take it anymore. My purpose in life to me doesn’t involve waking up to a big snoutie rotteweiller, in my face, whining. I have been through so much with this dog and she has more issues than I have. The worse thing is that I can’t stand, is to be rudely awakened, at the wee hours of the morning by my dog. You know what I mean? You are dreaming of a hot guy in a car when all of a sudden you hear this “ewww, ewww”with at a high sounding frequency. Oh yeah, I am dreaming! F**K I am fr**king pissed off! Why me? Why must it be me? AAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot say enough how much this is so bloody unfair. I guess others have it worse, like having CHILDREN or having to wake up early anyway, but I just want to wake up on my own. I don’t get much sleep as it is. On top of this I am so mad it is Monday. MAD that’s right! I was cool last week but today I am grouchy, WATCH OUT! You don’t want to be around me in a bad mood. Forget about it. Anyway that’s it for now! I want to read all your posts this morning but I promise there will be more.


Charlie Mc said...

My dog actually sleeps in when I do, thankfully!

Serenity said...

Lucky!! I guess next time it happens I will slip her a sleeping pill. Muhuhuahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

JUST A MOM said...

UUMMMM good morning I am glad I slept thru this one hahahahahahaha