Since I have this blog I can vent however I feel on whatever I want to. So I am going to get a few things off my chest. Firstly I want to talk about people who like pick at others flaws when they shouldn’t be. I have this manager at work who was talking to me the other day while I was waiting for a cocktail at the bar. He said “Look over my shoulder, you see that girl!” He was talking about this guest sitting at the table who had a slightly smaller head than her body. He made a remark towards that movie Beetle juice, “My Head it’s shrinking” I guess that’s when I should have laughed but I didn’t. That was not only the first time that has happened to me. There is this other person I work with who happened to have a thing with flossing and had to point out certain someone’s teeth she didn’t find appealing. She was like “Oh, your teeth are fine but so-and- so s teeth are gross”. It makes me think of what the people I work with are saying about me. Since I don’t talk to Chip anymore at work, also I was flirting with two gay guys that I didn’t know were gay(they are a couple), and I left early from work Wednesday because of cramps they have plenty to talk about me today. Talking about people that can not change the way they look or assuming they should look a certain way to meet your needs is absurd. What if that lady couldn’t afford to fix her teeth because she had raised three children by herself? Or what if that woman with her slightly smaller head didn’t know she looked funny. I would have liked to knock him on his ass after he said that but I could not. My mouth has got me in trouble too many times and especially if it is at work I have to watch my mouth constantly. If I said everything I wanted I wonder where it would get me probably broke, jobless, jail, etc…
Try this next time:
Speak only what’s truthful and useful.
Refrain from gossip.
Refrain from unnecessary interruptions.
Speak kindly and gently.
Speak humbly not arrogantly.
“Mindfulness and Money” by Kulananda and Dominic Houlder
Thanks for reading this and I appreciate anything you want to comment on. Remember to be authentic at work because if you can’t be than it is not worth keeping that job.
I know just how you feel. I blogged about the fact that people seem comfortable making racist comments around me. I assume they do so because I am so obviosuly white. It simply drives me crazy!
Yes, people should keep their mouths shut more often b/c people cannot change certain physical things. Obviously the woman with the small head could do nothing about it even if she wanted to, so why bother pointing it out.
Breaking the rule of only saying something nice, I will say that the man saying this to you might have a small penis in relation to his body size and feels the need to point out others' small parts.
Nicely said. In the last few years I've learned to swallow my urge to make the wise crack when it's at someone else's expense..at least I'm trying anyway!
So very very true. People should be judged by how they conduct themselves... and even then they should get three chances because we all have bad days.
UUUMMMMMM Sunflower,, I still get into trouble! Have a great weekend :)
Can I get a HELL YEAAAAAAH?!!!
I want to thank everyone that came over to my blog and commented, thanks! My special thanks to Lee, thanks for writing in and don't worry about the spelling I can read what you were writing. Having a spendid weekend and wish the same for yall.
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